CBMS-IFAD Project: Technical Support to the Ex-post Impact Evaluations Using Mixed Methods Approaches of the Rural Microenterprise Promotion Programme (RuMEPP)
Project Leader: Dr. Celia Reyes
Funding Agency: International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)
Duration: December 2014 to December 2015
The Project involves the development of framework for the impact-evaluation of the RuMEPP Ptrogram, sampling design and development of data collection instruments, conduct of training on the implementation of data collection instruments, conduct of survey for primary data collection, and conduct of qualitative assessment through FGDs and Key Informant Interviews, and preparation of report on the results and findings of the impact evaluation. It also entails the organization and conduct of consultation meetings with key stakeholders and of policy forum to present and discuss final project results to policymakers and program implementers.
Project Leader: Dr. Celia Reyes
Funding Agency: International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)
Duration: December 2014 to December 2015
The Project involves the development of framework for the impact-evaluation of the RuMEPP Ptrogram, sampling design and development of data collection instruments, conduct of training on the implementation of data collection instruments, conduct of survey for primary data collection, and conduct of qualitative assessment through FGDs and Key Informant Interviews, and preparation of report on the results and findings of the impact evaluation. It also entails the organization and conduct of consultation meetings with key stakeholders and of policy forum to present and discuss final project results to policymakers and program implementers.