CBMS-Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP): PAGE Project (DFID component)
Project Leader: Dr. Celia Reyes
Funding Agency: UK Department for International Development (DFID)
Duration: October 2012 to December 2016
The Project involves provision of technical supervision, research and capacity building support, and management support for the development of CBMS and conduct of PAGE-theme studies on youth employment and entrepreneurship and on social protection in the informal sector in 10 developing countries funded through PAGE-CBMS IDRC grant program. It also includes the development and deployment of the CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling and CBMS Portal, conduct of partner-led research, and conduct of governance and dissemination-activities of the PEP Asia Office. The Project is being implemented in collaboration with the PEP Regional Offices in Africa, North America and Latin America.
Project Leader: Dr. Celia Reyes
Funding Agency: UK Department for International Development (DFID)
Duration: October 2012 to December 2016
The Project involves provision of technical supervision, research and capacity building support, and management support for the development of CBMS and conduct of PAGE-theme studies on youth employment and entrepreneurship and on social protection in the informal sector in 10 developing countries funded through PAGE-CBMS IDRC grant program. It also includes the development and deployment of the CBMS Accelerated Poverty Profiling and CBMS Portal, conduct of partner-led research, and conduct of governance and dissemination-activities of the PEP Asia Office. The Project is being implemented in collaboration with the PEP Regional Offices in Africa, North America and Latin America.