- Comparison of Vulnerability of Developed and Developing Economies to Disaster Ripple Effects: The Case of Japan and the Philippines
- CBMS-IFAD Project: Technical Support to the Ex-post Impact Evaluations Using Mixed Methods Approaches of the Rural Microenterprise Promotion Programme (RuMEPP)
- The Higher Education Accountability and Transparency Portal (HEAT Portal)
- Philippine Alternative Learning System Survey 2013
- Policy Recommendations for the Expansion of the Securitization Market in the ASEAN+3 Countries
- CBMS-FAO Project: Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Mapping of Vulnerability to Food Insecurity under Climate Change to Strengthen Household Food Security with Livelihoods Adaptation Approaches
- CBMS-Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP): PAGE Project (UK-DFID Component)
- CBMS-UNDP: Preparation of Sub-national MDG Report Using CBMS
- CBMS-Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP): PAGE Project (IDRC Component)
- International Discussions on the Credit Rating Agencies and Enhancing Infrastructure to Strengthen Regional Credit Rating Capacity in the ASEAN+3 Region (2013)
- Development of Industry Career Guides funded by Department of Labor and Employment-Bureau of Labor Employment Phase II (2013)
- CBMS-EEPSEA: Support to Local Governments to Improve Environmental Management in Southeast Asia
- The Roles and Functions of the Banking Sector in the Financial System of the ASEAN+3 Region funded by the ASEAN Secretariat under the ASEAN+3 Research Group (2012)
- Development of Industry Career Guides Phase I
- Towards Innovative, Liveable and Prosperous Asian Megacities
- CBMS-OPHI: Testing the Missing Dimensions of Poverty in the Philippines
- PEP Network-AusAid Collaboration: ARTNet Policy Forum on Trade, Investment and Domestic Policy Coherence for Inclusive Growth
- The Trends in Trade, Foreign Direct Investments and Monetary Flows in East Asia, and its Policy Implications
- Towards Greater Financial Stability in the Asia Region: Measures for the Possible Use of Regional Monetary Units for Surveillance and Transaction
- Globalization, Adjustment, and the Challenge of Inclusive Growth: Furthering Inclusive Growth and Industrial Upgrading in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam funded by IDRC (2009)
- CBMS-UNDP Development Grant Program
- Toward Greater Financial Stability in the Asian Region: Exploring Steps to Create Regional Monetary Units funded by Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (2007)
- Financial Conglomeration in the East Asian Region: Recent Trends and Implications for Financial Market Development
- Developing and Piloting a Gender Responsive Community-based Planning and Budgeting Tool for Local Governance
- CBMS-NAPC-Technical Collaboration
- Fostering Asset Management Industry for the Development of Capital Markets in the Region funded by Korea Institute of Finance (KIF) (2006)
- Methodology Workshop on the Integration of Gender Budgets Concerns into the Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS)
- Partnership and Advocacy for Competitiveness and Trade (PACT) funded by United States for International Development (USAID) (2008)
- Economic Surveillance & Policy Dialogue in East Asia
- Meeting the Challenges of Globalization: Production Networks, Industrial Adjustment, Institutions and Policies, and Regional Cooperation funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC) (2006)
- CBMS-Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Network Project
- Research Program on Agricultural Distribution Services and Trade
- Comprehensive Cost Analysis of Selected Degree Programs for Higher Educational Institutions (National Integration) funded by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) (2004)
- Comprehensive Cost Analysis of Selected Degree Programs for Higher Educational Institutions (NCR Pilot Study) funded by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) (2002)
- Micro Impacts of Macroeconomic Adjustment Policies (MIMAP) Project Philippines Phase VII
- Macroeconomic and Adjustment Policies (MAP) Gender Network Phase II
- Asia Development Research Forum (ADRF) Research Paper Series Phase II-Managing Asian Transition
- Evaluation of the Industrial and Support Service Expansion Program (ISSEP) I of the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) funded by Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) (2002)
- Literature Review of the Agricultural Distribution Services Sector: Performance, Efficiency and Research Issues funded by Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) (2001)
- Economic and Financial Governance Working Group Research Programme on Selected Asia Development Issues (EFGWG) Phase I: Asia 2010 funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC) (2001)
- Formulation of a list of investment areas to be liberalized
- Impacts, Risks and Opportunities of Financial Liberalization and Integration: A Macro-Micro Analysis funded by Philippine APEC Study Center Network (2000)