The DLSU - Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies
cordially invites you to the
AKI Development Seminar Series on
"Deals and Development"
by Professor Eric Werker
William Saywell Professor, Beedie School of Business
Simon Fraser University
1 March 2023 (Wednesday), 1:00 PM
To join, please register through the link below:
Economic growth for most developing countries is not a linear process. Growth instead proceeds in booms and busts, yet most frameworks for thinking about economic growth are built on the faulty assumption that a country's economic performance is largely stable. The Deals and Development framework explains how growth episodes emerge and when growth, once ignited, is maintained for a sustained period. The framework is built from a political economy model of business-government relations in which economic trends interact with political behaviour to either sustain or terminate a growth episode.
About the Speaker
Professor Eric Werker is the William Saywell Professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. Professor Werker researches how countries can build more thriving and inclusive private sectors and how external actors influence economic and political outcomes. He has written on private sector development, the interface between investments and community, economic diversification, foreign aid, non-governmental organizations, inter-governmental organizations, refugees, and Ebola.
cordially invites you to the
AKI Development Seminar Series on
"Deals and Development"
by Professor Eric Werker
William Saywell Professor, Beedie School of Business
Simon Fraser University
1 March 2023 (Wednesday), 1:00 PM
To join, please register through the link below:
Economic growth for most developing countries is not a linear process. Growth instead proceeds in booms and busts, yet most frameworks for thinking about economic growth are built on the faulty assumption that a country's economic performance is largely stable. The Deals and Development framework explains how growth episodes emerge and when growth, once ignited, is maintained for a sustained period. The framework is built from a political economy model of business-government relations in which economic trends interact with political behaviour to either sustain or terminate a growth episode.
About the Speaker
Professor Eric Werker is the William Saywell Professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. Professor Werker researches how countries can build more thriving and inclusive private sectors and how external actors influence economic and political outcomes. He has written on private sector development, the interface between investments and community, economic diversification, foreign aid, non-governmental organizations, inter-governmental organizations, refugees, and Ebola.