The Missing Dimensions of Poverty
Presented by: Dr. Emma Samman
Date of presentation: 06 October 2009, 10:00 a.m.
Venue: Room 408, Don Enrique T. Yuchengco Hall, De La Salle University
About the Author
Dr. Emma Samman is currently the Research Officer of Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) of the Department of International Development at Oxford University. She has worked on OPHI’s Missing Dimensions of Poverty research theme since April 2007 and her current research interests are in survey design, multidimensional poverty assessment, human development and the use of subjective data in research and policy. She has also worked on the socio-economic effects of market development and the effects of space (and segregation) upon wellbeing and has field experience in Chile and in Viet Nam.
OPHI has begun collaborating with the Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) research network in the Philippines of the DLSU-Angelo King Institute on a project that will collect census data on OPHI’s ‘Missing’ Dimensions of poverty and propose new indicators to inform future CBMS work. CBMS seeks to gather extensive local-level data in order to drive local government actions, and to empower communities to participate in the process. Currently work is underway to design an integrated questionnaire; it will then be piloted in two communities in the Philippines in early October. The census will cover about 1,000 households and will be accompanied by qualitative interviews and participatory focus groups. CBMS will then explore uses of the OPHI indicators in program formulation and implementation at the local level. CBMS already routinely collects data on 11 indicators of poverty in the communities in which it works; this research aims both to validate OPHI’s new survey modules and to provide CBMS with new indicators they might adopt in future work.
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Presented by: Dr. Emma Samman
Date of presentation: 06 October 2009, 10:00 a.m.
Venue: Room 408, Don Enrique T. Yuchengco Hall, De La Salle University
About the Author
Dr. Emma Samman is currently the Research Officer of Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) of the Department of International Development at Oxford University. She has worked on OPHI’s Missing Dimensions of Poverty research theme since April 2007 and her current research interests are in survey design, multidimensional poverty assessment, human development and the use of subjective data in research and policy. She has also worked on the socio-economic effects of market development and the effects of space (and segregation) upon wellbeing and has field experience in Chile and in Viet Nam.
OPHI has begun collaborating with the Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) research network in the Philippines of the DLSU-Angelo King Institute on a project that will collect census data on OPHI’s ‘Missing’ Dimensions of poverty and propose new indicators to inform future CBMS work. CBMS seeks to gather extensive local-level data in order to drive local government actions, and to empower communities to participate in the process. Currently work is underway to design an integrated questionnaire; it will then be piloted in two communities in the Philippines in early October. The census will cover about 1,000 households and will be accompanied by qualitative interviews and participatory focus groups. CBMS will then explore uses of the OPHI indicators in program formulation and implementation at the local level. CBMS already routinely collects data on 11 indicators of poverty in the communities in which it works; this research aims both to validate OPHI’s new survey modules and to provide CBMS with new indicators they might adopt in future work.
Download the presentation here