- Driving Inclusion through Empowerment and Decent Work: The case of Filipino women in online work
- Research-Gendered Impacts of SME Policy Responses to Covid-19 in South East Asia: Examples from the Philippines
- Disaster risk assessment computation using Leontief analysis: Theoretical explorations in assessing disaster impacts
- Promoting entrepreneurship research in South East Asia: Applying global entrepreneurship monitor
- Comparison of vulnerability of developed and developing economies to disaster ripple effects: The case of Japan and the Philippines
- CBMS-Partnership for economic policy (PEP): PAGE project (UK-DFID Component)
- CBMS-UNDP: Preparation of sub-national MDG report using CBMS
- CBMS-Partnership for economic policy (PEP): PAGE project (IDRC Component)
- CBMS-EEPSEA: Support to local governments to improve environmental management in Southeast Asia
- CBMS-OPHI: Testing the missing dimensions of poverty in the Philippines
- PEP Network-AusAid collaboration: ARTNet policy forum on trade, investment and domestic policy coherence for inclusive growth
- Towards greater financial stability in the Asia region: Measures for the possible use of regional monetary units for surveillance and transaction
- Globalization, adjustment, and the challenge of inclusive growth: Furthering inclusive growth and industrial upgrading in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam
- CBMS-UNDP Development grant program
- Toward greater financial stability in the Asian region: Exploring steps to create regional monetary units
- Financial conglomeration in the East Asian region: Recent trends and implications for financial market development
- Developing and piloting a gender responsive community-based planning and budgeting tool for local governance
- CBMS-NAPC-Technical collaboration
- Fostering asset management industry for the development of capital markets in the region
- Methodology workshop on the integration of gender budgets concerns into the Community based monitoring system (CBMS)
- CBMS-Poverty and economic policy (PEP) network project
- Research program on agricultural distribution services and trade
- Comprehensive cost analysis of selected degree programs for higher educational institutions (National Integration)
- Comprehensive cost analysis of selected degree programs for higher educational institutions (NCR Pilot Study)
- Micro impacts of macroeconomic adjustment policies (MIMAP) project Philippines phase VII
- Macroeconomic and adjustment policies (MAP) gender network phase II
- Asia development research forum (ADRF) research paper series phase II-Managing Asian transition
- Evaluation of the industrial and support service expansion program (ISSEP) I of the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP)
- Literature review of the agricultural distribution services sector: Performance, efficiency and research issues
- Economic and financial governance working group research programme on selected Asia development issues (EFGWG) Phase I: Asia 2010
- Formulation of a list of investment areas to be liberalized
- Impacts, risks and opportunities of financial liberalization and integration: A macro-micro analysis